Saturday, September 19, 2009

Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day 2009

International Talk Like a Pirate Day (ITLAPD) is a parodic holiday created in 1995 by John Baur (Ol' Chumbucket) and Mark Summers (Cap'n Slappy), of Albany, Oregon, U.S., who proclaimed September 19 each year as the day when everyone in the world should talk like a pirate.

For example, an observer of this holiday would greet friends not with "Hello," but with "Ahoy, me hearty!" The holiday, and its observance, springs from a romanticized view of the Golden Age of Piracy. The holiday is a major observance in the religion of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Seamen in the days of sail (as well as today) spoke a language so full of technical jargon as to be nearly incomprehensible to a landlubber. For example, few could follow these instructions:
Lift the skin up, and put into the bunt the slack of the clews (not too taut), the leech and foot-rope, and body of the sail; being careful not to let it get forward under or hang down abaft. Then haul your bunt well up on the yard, smoothing the skin and bringing it down well abaft, and make fast the bunt gasket round the mast, and the jigger, if there be one, to the tie.
—Richard Henry Dana, Jr., The Seaman's Manual (1844)

These phrases date back to the 17th century:
If the ship go before the wind, or as they term it, betwixt two sheets, then he who conds uses these terms to him at the helm: Starboard, larboard, the helm amidships... If the ship go by a wind, or a quarter winds, they say aloof, or keep your loof, or fall not off, wear no more, keep her to, touch the wind, have a care of the lee-latch. all these do imply the same in a manner, are to bid him at the helm to keep her near the wind.
—former pirate Sir Henry Mainwaring (see Harland (1984) p.177)

From Lt. Robert Maynard's report of Blackbeard at the Battle of Ocracoke:
He styl'd us 'young puppies' and shouted 'May the Devil take my soul if I ever gives quarter or asks it of ye!'
"Damn ye, yellow-bellied sapsuckers, I'm a better man than all of ye milksops put together" - Blackbeard.

The only written records recovered from the Adventure after Blackbeard's death ran as follows.
Such a day, rum all out- Our company somewhat sober- A damned confusion amongst us !- Rogues a-plotting - Great talk of separation- so I looked sharp for a prize- Such a day found one with a great deal of liquor on board, so kept the company hot, damned hot, then things went well again.

Jimmy Buffett 2009 Alpine Valley Setlist

Alpine Valley
East Troy, WI

1. Lage Nom Ai
2. Coconut Telegraph
3. Summzercool
4. It’s Five O’Clock Somewhere
5. Mañana
6. Conky Tonkin’
7. Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes
8. Volcano
9. Cheeseburger in Paradise
10. Come Monday
11. Son of a Son of a Sailor
12. Brown Eyed Girl
13. One Particular Harbour
14. A Lot to Drink About


15. My Head Hurts, My Feet Stink and I Don’t Love Jesus
16. Frank and Lola
17. Grapefruit-Juicy Fruit
18. Surfin’ in a Hurricane
19. Let me Love Again
20. Gypsies in the Palace
21. Last Mango in Paris
22. Southern Cross
23. A Pirate Looks at Forty
24. Margaritaville
25. Fins

First Encore:

26. We are the People our Parents Warned us About
27. Yellow Submarine

Second Encore:

28. Growing Older But Not Up

Jimmy Buffett Alpine Valley Shot Paddle

Shot paddles were originally made to help servers deliver multiple shots simultaneously across the traditional long wooden tables in many drinking establishments. Today, these simple devices are used in many "creative" situations.

Alpine Valley
East Troy, WI

See the setlist here:

Monday, August 31, 2009

Jimmy Buffett Alpine Valley 2009

We're back to real life from a great weekend in Southern WI. The weather sucked but Jimmy put on a great show.

Pictures will be up asap.

Thank to Jean L. for the great picture!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Jimmy Buffett Alpine Valley Weather Report

Pick your posion but make sure that you're praying to one of the Weather God's for good weather on Saturday!

The gods of sky and weather were named "Theoi Ouranioi" by the Greeks. They were under the command of Zeus and Hera, the king and queen of heaven.


AEOLUS (Aiolos) The king of the winds. He was appointed by Zeus to guard the storm winds which he kept locked away inside the floating island of Aeolia, releasing them at the request of the gods to wreak their havoc.

AETHER (Aither) The primeval god of the shining light of the blue sky. He was conceived of as the substance of light, a layer of bright mist which lay between the dome of heaven and the lower air which surrounded the earth.

ANEMI (1) (Anemoi) The gods of the four directional winds and the heralds of the four seasons. Boreas the north wind was the lord of winter, Zephyros the west was the bringer of spring, Euros the east was the god of autumn, and Notos the south of summer.

ANEMOI (2) The Daemones of the violent storm-winds. They were sons of the monster Typhoeus kept locked away inside Tartarus or the floating island of Aeolus to be released only at the command of the gods.

ARCE (Arke) The messenger of the Titans. She was the sister of Iris and the goddess of the lost second rainbow. At the end of the Titan-war she was stripped of her wings and locked away inside the pit of Tartarus.

ASTRAEUS (Astraios) The Titan god of the stars. He was father of the planets and the four seasonal winds by Eos the dawn.

ASTRA PLANETI (Astra Planetoi) The gods of the five wandering-stars or planets. The leader of these was bright Eosphoros, the god of the dawn-star Venus. The other four were Pyroeis (star Mars), Phaenon (star Saturn), Phaethon (star Jupiter) and Stilbon (star Mercury). ASTROTHESIAE (Astrothesiai) The spirits or living forms of the heavenly constellations. They were mostly heroes and creatures who were placed amongst the stars by the gods as reward for some service or, in a handful of cases, as a memorial of their crimes.

ATLAS A Titan condemned by Zeus to hold the sky aloft upon his shoulders and turn it upon its axis. Homer in the Odyssey seems to suggest that he was released from this labour and appointed keeper of the pillars of heaven, presumably the ones erected by Heracles at the ends of the earth.

AURA The Titan goddess of the breeze.

AURAE (Aurai) The nymphs of the breezes.

BOREAS The god of the north wind whose wintry breath brought the cold of winter. He dwelt in a cave in the mountains of the far northern land of Thrace.

CHAOS (Khaos) The primeval goddess of the gap between heaven and earth. She was the air which men breathed. Below Chaos her lay the flat body of the earth, and above the shining mists of the protogenos Aether. Chaos was the mother of Darkness and Night and of the birds.

CHIONE (Khione) The goddess of snow. She was daughter a daughter of Boreas, god of the wintry north wind.

CHRONOS The old god of time who turned the wheel of the heavenly constellations. He was sometimes equated with Cronus, the father of Zeus.

CYCLOPES (Kyklopes) Three giant sons of Uranus (Heaven) who forged the lightning and thunder of Zeus. Their three brothers, the Hecatoncheires, were the gods of violent storms.

EOS The winged goddess of the dawn. She heralded the rising of the sun with her rosy brilliance.

EOSPHORUS (Eosphoros) The god of the dawn-star (the star Venus) seen in the morning skies. He was originally regarded as being distinct from Hesperus, the god of the evening star.

EURUS (Euros) The god of the east wind and herald of the autumn season.

HARPYIAE (Harpyiai) Daemones of whirlwinds and storm gusts. They were known as the hounds of Zeus and blamed for the dissappearance of people without a trace.

HECATONCHEIRES (Hekatonkheires) Three hundred-armed, fifty-headed giants. They were the gods of violent storms which they released from the gates of Tartarus.

HELIUS (Helios) The god of the sun whose orb was he wore upon his head as a bright aureole crown. Helios drove a fiery chariot drawn by four winged steeds.

HEMERA The primeval goddess of the day. In the early morn she scattered the mists of her mother Nyx (Lady Night), to reveal the shining light of Aether, the blue sky.

HERA The Queen of Heaven and goddess of the air and starry constellations. The Milky Way was spilt from her breast and most of the other constellations placed in the heavens at her command.

HERSE The goddess of the morning dew.

HESPERIDES The goddesses of sunsets. The three Hesperides tended the tree of the golden apples on Erythea, the Red Isle, in the western stream of the river Oceanus. The apples were a wedding present from Gaea to the sky-gods Zeus and Hera. They were the source of the golden light of sunset, created to celebrate the nuptials of the sky-gods.

HESPERUS (Hesperos) The god of the evening star (the planet Venus). He was originally distinct from his stellar counterpart Eosphorus, the dawn-star.

HORAE (1) (Horai) Three goddesses of the seasons and the ordering of time named Eirene, Eunomia and Dike. They directed the constellations and guiding the Sun in his heavenly course.

HORAE (2) (Horai) The goddesses of the twelve hours of the day. They were originally the same as the first three mentioned above.

HYADES Nymphs of the five stars of the constellation Hyades. They were daughters of the Titan Atlas. Their rising marked the start of the rainy month of spring.

IRIS The goddess of the rainbow. She was the divine messenger of the Olympian gods.

MENAE The nymphs of the fifty new moons of the Olympiad (a period of four years). Fifty moons were significant because this number marked the conjunction of solar and lunar calendars. The goddesses themselves were daughters of the moon-goddess Selene.

NEPHELAE (Nephelai) The nymphs of the clouds. They were daughters of the earth-encircling, river Oceanus from whose waters they drew the rain.

NOTUS (Notos) The god of the wet and stormy south wind who heralded the month of summer. NYX The primeval goddess of night. In the evening Nyx drew her curtain of dark mists across the sky, cloaking the light of her son Aether, the shining blue sky. In the morn, her daughter Hemera (the goddess Day) lifted the dark mantle.

OCEANIDES (Okeanides)The daughters of the earth-encircling river Oceanus. Some of these were nymphs of clouds (Nephelae) and moistening breezes (Aurae).

OREITHYIA The goddess of cold, gusty mountain winds. She was the wife of Boreas, the wintry north wind, and the mother of Chione, snow.

PLEIADES The nymphs of the seven stars of the constellation Pleiades. They were daughters of the Titan Atlas whose rising and setting were of key importance in the agricultural calendar.

SELENE The goddess of the moon. She rode across the sky on the back of a bull, an ***, or in chariot drawn by winged horses. The moon itself was her crown or billowing veil.

URANUS (Ouranos) The primeval god whose body formed the solid dome of heaven. The Greeks imagined him as a bronze-bodied, star-spangled god whose hands rested upon the earth in the farthest east and feet in the farthest west. He was similar in form to the Egyptian goddess Nut whose starry arching form is common in art. Uranus was a eunuch god, having been castrated by Cronus at the beginning of time.

ZEPHRYUS (Zephyros) The god of the gentle west wind and the herald of spring. He was the husband of Chloris, the goddess of flowers, and the father of Carpus, fruits.

ZEUS The King of the Gods and the ruler of the heavens. He was the god of clouds, rain, thunder and lightning.

ZODIAC (Zodiakos) The spirits of the twelve constellations of the zodiac circled heaven measuring the seasons of the year.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Jimmy Buffett Atlantic City Concert Review

Parrotheads flock to Atlantic City for Jimmy Buffett concert.

ATLANTIC CITY - They wore coconut bras, grass hula skirts and cheeseburgers on their heads.
And that was just the men.

Ah, yes, Jimmy Buffett was in town Sunday night for a Boardwalk Hall concert presented by Caesars Atlantic City, and tens of thousands of fans - aka Parrotheads - flocked to the Boardwalk's beach bars and area watering holes to celebrate all things Buffett.

"I usually go to Jones Beach to see him, but I needed to come here because it's the best party," said Ariana Clifford, of Long Island, N.Y., who had a parrot tattooed on her right shoulder.
The Trump Plaza Hotel Casino Beach Bar was packed as a Buffett tribute band offered party music as fans wearing parrots on their heads attempted to do the limbo - unsuccessfully.
Michelle Van de Walker, of Howell Township, Monmouth County, sported a navel piercing of a battery-operated parrot that lit up.

"It's an escape," said her husband, Jerry Van de Walker. "For today, we're in Margaritaville."
It was an identical scene at Bally's Atlantic City's Bikini Beach Bar, which was packed with Parrotheads sipping Buffett's beer, Landshark, and listening to another tribute band.
The consensus was that Atlantic City was the place to see Buffett, even if the concert was indoors and they couldn't tailgate like they do at most other Buffett summer concerts.
"Anyone can have a parking lot," said Donna Bonk, of Keyport, Monmouth County. "Atlantic City has the beach."

"The fun ends in the parking lot; it never ends in Atlantic City," added her friend, Angela Smith, of Old Bridge Township, Middlesex County.

She wasn't kidding.

Inside Boardwalk Hall, the party continued in a big way. Even before Buffett and his Coral Reefer Band took the stage, beach balls were bouncing around the sold-out crowd as they drank margaritas and beer, many double-fisting.

Balding, barefoot and wearing a T-shirt and board shorts, the 62-year-old still brings it. With two video screens on each side of the stage and a large center one displaying videos of beach scenes and bay sunsets, Buffett chatted with the crowd all night and worked in references to the New Jersey shore, Wildwood, Cape May, the Steel Pier and The Chelsea Hotel before the second song ended.

He certainly has a lot of help to sound as good as he does. Aside from the crowd, which sings along to most of his songs, Buffett is backed by a 10-piece band and two backup singers on a stage filled with palm trees and an overall beach theme.

Opening with "Lage Nom Ai," "Coconut Telegraph" and "Summerzcool," the crowd went nuts when the band ripped into "It's Five O'Clock Somewhere," singing at the top of their voices as the aroma of marijuana filled the front rows.

Before the intermission, Buffett already played a bunch of his hits, including "Volcano," "Cheeseburger in Paradise," "Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes," "Son of a Son of a Sailor" and even a very appreciated and nicely done Van Morrison cover, "Brown-Eyed Girl."
At intermission, as they lined up at the concession stands for more Landsharks and margaritas, the crowd knew they would hear "Fins" and his signature "Margaritaville" before the night was through, and recent setlists suggested they might also be treated to Beatles and Crosby, Stills & Nash covers.

As usual, Buffett fans young and old joined the party, begging the question, "Why don't these Parrotheads ever grow up?"

"Why should we?" screamed Denise Ellis, of Virginia Beach, Va., sporting a popular coconut bra. "We don't have to."

Ed Bonk, of Keyport, however, may have had the best explanation: "We don't grow up because the beer stunts our growth."

By SCOTT CRONICK At The Shore, 609-272-7017 Posted: Sunday, August 23, 2009
Photo credit to Ben Fogletto

Jimmy Buffett 2009 Atlantic City Setlist

Boardwalk Hall
Atlantic City, NJ

1. Lage Nom Ai
2. Coconut Telegraph
3. Summzercool
4. It’s Five O’Clock Somewhere
5. Mañana
6. Conky Tonkin’
7. Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes
8. Volcano
9. Cheeseburger in Paradise
10. Come Monday
11. Son of a Son of a Sailor
12. Brown Eyed Girl
13. One Particular Harbour
14. A Lot to Drink About

15. My Head Hurts, My Feet Stink and I Don’t Love Jesus
16. Grapefruit-Juicy Fruit
17. Nobody from Nowhere
18. Last Mango in Paris
19. Let me Love Again
20. Surfin’ in a Hurricane
21. Southern Cross
22. Rhumba Man
23. A Pirate Looks at Forty
24. Margaritaville
25. Fins

First Encore:

26. Gypsies in the Palace
27. Yellow Submarine

Second Encore:

28. Lovely Cruise

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Jimmy Buffett Tailgate Girls

Sometimes the Buffett Book crew gets random photos dropped in our in-box.

Drop us a note if you know the story....

Jimmy Buffett Pine Knob Tailgate Photos

A special thanks to Hallie Jo for checking in from Pine Knob.
Pine Knob

Monday, August 17, 2009

Jimmy Buffett Chicago, IL 8/15/09 Setlist

Toyota Park
Bridgeview, IL

1. Lage Nom Ai
2. Nobody from Nowhere
3. Summzercool
4. It’s Five O’Clock Somewhere
5. Mañana
6. Conky Tonkin’
7. Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes
8. Volcano
9. Cheeseburger in Paradise
10. Come Monday
11. Son of a Son of a Sailor
12. Brown Eyed Girl
13. One Particular Harbour
14. A Lot to Drink About


15. My Head Hurts, My Feet Stink and I Don’t Love Jesus
16. Rocky Raccoon
17. Grapefruit-Juicy Fruit
18. Last Mango in Paris
19. Let me Love Again
20. Surfin’ in a Hurricane
21. Southern Cross
22. Gypsies in the Palace
23. A Pirate Looks at Forty
24. Margaritaville
25. Fins

First Encore:

26. We are the People our Parents warned us About
27. Yellow Submarine

Second Encore:

28. Tryin’ to Reason with Hurricane Season

Saturday, August 15, 2009

How to tailgate at Jimmy Buffett

Want to be a Parrot Head?

Here is how to make the fins fit in

August 6, 2009


Coconut bra? Check. Flip-flops? Check. Lobster brisket? Huh? Yes, that is right since it is anything goes at a Jimmy Buffett pre-concert tailgate party.

Participants to the fins fest on Saturday and Aug. 15 at Toyota Park in Bridgeview can expect to see tons of Hawaiian shirts, lots of margaritas and more than a few grills charring up cheeseburgers.

Glenn and Nancy Kadas, of Burbank, are among the many Parrot Heads who hail from the Southland.

Jimmy Buffett and the Coral Reefer Band
When: 8 p.m. Saturday and Aug. 15.
The parking lot will open at 9 a.m. for those who would like to tailgate.
Where: Toyota Park, 7000 S. Harlem Ave., Bridgeview.
Tickets: $29, $79 and $129.
Phone: (708) 594-7200.
Etc.: This show is part of the "Summerzcool" tour.

Where to find fellow Parrot Heads
More information about the Chicago Parrot Head Club can be found at the group's meet-and-greet booth during the tailgating at Toyota Park prior to the Jimmy Buffett concert, or at

The show can be a one-day vacation during which chief executive officers and truck drivers party side by side with their fellow fans, aka Parrot Heads, Glenn Kadas, of Burbank, said.
Though the crowd is pretty laid-back, a newbie likely will stand out if he or she does not abide by a few unspoken rules.

"There is nothing funnier than a Buffett concert tailgate virgin," Kadas said. "They try too hard and look like tourists in Florida."

What to wear
Those who want to broadcast their lack of experience, Kadas said, can wear a brand-new Hawaiian shirt or mistake the parking lot for Ravinia and bring wine.
"That is a no-no," he said.

Proper etiquette, Kadas added, is to look tacky. That means bad shorts, flip-flops and really worn-out Hawaiian shirts.

Grass skirts and coconut bras also are encouraged for both women and men.
Seal the deal with bad hats with animals on top. Parrots or sharks work especially well.

What about sustenance?
Casey Kerkstra, of Oak Forest, said when it comes to alcohol, the more Caribbean, the better.
Margaritas tend to be the most popular beverages, followed by Hurricanes, beer and other assorted tropical drinks.

"To balance out all this drinking I've always thought a decent amount of food is needed," he said.
Though cheeseburgers are an obvious choice, Kerkstra said this year his group is "going to island up our food by making coconut shrimp, jerk chicken and lobster brisket.

"I should mention that you'll want to bring more of everything so you can share with the people next to you."

Being sociable is a big part of Buffett-style partying, something Kadas credits to the liquor.

Set the scene
Toyota Park is unique in that the parking-tailgating spots are wide enough to accommodate canopies, said Billy Brehm, president of the Chicago Parrot Head Club.

And canopies are just the beginning. In addition to bean-bag games and makeshift bars, Parrot Heads have been known to haul in sand and enough water to fill a small pool.
In 2008, Brehm said, one group brought in enough wood to build a tower on top of their van so they could survey the entire tailgating scene from on high.

Kadas plans to set up his portable tiki bar and canopy.
"We decorate our canopy to look as tropical as possible," he said. "One year we brought sandbags with sand to spread on the ground."

Brehm said grills are OK, but charcoal is not. Those who plan to barbecue should bring the propane, he added.

As far as facilities go, Brehm said Toyota Park has excellent accommodations.
"They have a lot of port-a-potties spread around the grounds. And they're very clean compared to a lot of places."

Go the distance
The parking lot will open at 9 a.m. for both Buffett concerts.
If one is like Kadas and Kerkstra, who plan to be among the first through the gate, Brehm said to "remember it's a marathon, not a sprint."

Once in the lot, tailgaters are stuck so they should make sure, in addition to alcohol, that they have lots of water and food. No food or drink will be for sale.
But if someone gets into in a pickle, he or she can ask their neighbors for help.
"It's a very friendly crowd, determined to have a good time," Brehm said.
"If you have never been to a Buffett tailgate party, you are in for a treat," Kadas added.

"Oh yeah, at around 8 p.m., some 60-year-old guy named Jimmy Buffett has a concert and plays the same 20 songs he has played for the last 30 years. We know all the words."
But newbies should not let that be a stressor.

"All virgins have to know," he said, "is how to make a fin over your head with your hands. You will catch on quick."
Good advice, indeed.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Jimmy Buffett Cincinnati 2009 Tailgate Pictures

Thanks to Erica for checking in from Riverbend.
Riverbend Music Center

Jimmy Buffett Chicago 2009 Tailgate Pictures

Thanks to Tom for the digital and photoshop magic. As we like to say: The boyz got some mad skillz...

Toyota Park
Bridgeview, IL